function [Center,Radius] = sphereFit(X) % this fits a sphere to a collection of data using a closed form for the % solution (opposed to using an array the size of the data set). % Minimizes Sum((x-xc)^2+(y-yc)^2+(z-zc)^2-r^2)^2 % x,y,z are the data, xc,yc,zc are the sphere's center, and r is the radius % Assumes that points are not in a singular configuration, real numbers, ... % if you have coplanar data, use a circle fit with svd for determining the % plane, recommended Circle Fit (Pratt method), by Nikolai Chernov % % Input: % X: n x 3 matrix of cartesian data % Outputs: % Center: Center of sphere % Radius: Radius of sphere % Author: % Alan Jennings, University of Dayton A=2*[mean(X(:,1).*(X(:,1)-mean(X(:,1)))), ... mean(X(:,1).*(X(:,2)-mean(X(:,2)))), ... mean(X(:,1).*(X(:,3)-mean(X(:,3)))); ... mean(X(:,2).*(X(:,1)-mean(X(:,1)))), ... mean(X(:,2).*(X(:,2)-mean(X(:,2)))), ... mean(X(:,2).*(X(:,3)-mean(X(:,3)))); ... mean(X(:,3).*(X(:,1)-mean(X(:,1)))), ... mean(X(:,3).*(X(:,2)-mean(X(:,2)))), ... mean(X(:,3).*(X(:,3)-mean(X(:,3))))]; B=[mean((X(:,1).^2+X(:,2).^2+X(:,3).^2).*(X(:,1)-mean(X(:,1))));... mean((X(:,1).^2+X(:,2).^2+X(:,3).^2).*(X(:,2)-mean(X(:,2))));... mean((X(:,1).^2+X(:,2).^2+X(:,3).^2).*(X(:,3)-mean(X(:,3))))]; Center=(A\B).'; Radius=sqrt(mean(sum([X(:,1)-Center(1),X(:,2)-Center(2),X(:,3)-Center(3)].^2,2)));